Archive for 'the real world'

Koi pond filter crate sacrifice

Koi pond filter crate sacrifice

Koi pond filter crate sacrifice

Koi pond filter

This very detailed how-to shows you how to build a home made koi pond filter. The milkcrate is sacrificed in the process, but it’s for the good of the fishes, so I guess it’s ok. Via –> My first filter build

The Coast Guard loves milkcrates

The US Coast Guard using a milk crate

This is the US Coast Guard using a sweet blue milkcrate in the salvage work of the Torrent Shipwreck. Thanks to Travis S. for the pics via Flickr. –> Retrieving Portholes –> Torrent Shipwreck: 1868

Crate Lifting

Milkcrate assist in the weight room

Using milkcrates in the weight room isn’t new ground but this usage is a nice simple trick. This video from the youTube was posted by Curt James, from Body –> “Reverse” rows x 12 reps (kinda)

Crate flower stand

Just your everyday in PHL

Sweet crate reinventions

Milkcrate Soundbooth

Milkcrates abound throughout the web. I’ve pulled some recent milk crate inventions. The above image is from, a great how to site. This images comes from a great post on how to build a portable milkcrate sound booth. –> DIY portable sound booth

Worm Crates

These aren’t milkcrates, BUT they are soda crates and Mr. Kyle Lawson has crafted them into a home vermicomposting setup. I don’t even know what that is, but I like it. –> Worms!

Wooden Crate magazine rack

This last one is great. It brings the old into the new. An old school wooden milk crate transformed simply into a rolling magazine rack. –> summer projects and finds…

Waffle House Wedding features crate seating

Waffle House Wedding

My old intern Jessica Hill sent me this info and at first I was afraid to even post it. A wondrous couple from Georgia got hitched up at the local Waffle House. The pics above tell some of the tale: milkcrate seats!–> Scattered, smothered, covered and hitched – Couple marries at Waffle House

Crate construction in the woods

Crate construction in the woods

Crate construction in the woods

This couple has decided to move to the woods, build their own house and get back to nature. Two interesting tidbits – they have a blog (pretty comprehensive too) and they used some milkcrates to aid in the construction of some of their home. If people who have left society as we know it still see the value of the milkcrate, well – that has to say something, right? –> Holy Cow – big big day

Crate storage, simple and true

Milkcrate shelving

Milkcrate storage

Milkcrate shelving systems are the bread and butter of milkcrate living. Sometimes here on the digest, they get overlooked. These two popped up recently and just remind us how simple and great this solution is. From Zeeppos’ Kniting Blog –> I have upped my price … and from –>Vaguely Greenish…

Crate storage central

I’m still in the recently moved state. Many milkcrate have yet to be unpacked. Real life in the milkcrate lifestyle.

Dell on the milkcrate bandwagon

New Dell commercial…