Tag Archives: scooter

Scooter Support

My sweet wife, Amy, took this photo on a walk in Philadelphia. She’s not as “into milkcrates” as I am, but she’s super supportive–spotting crates everywhere, shooting pictures and everything.

Skulls & Crates go together like…?


I don’t exactly understand the situation here but the impulse is truly felt deep. Strapping a goat skull on to my milkcrate now seems exactly like what I should do first thing tomorrow morning. –> Crawling through the USA via John Glynn’s Blog

Crate Scooter Trunk


This photographer is traveling around, with a milkcrate trunk – shooting and living the milkcrate lifestyle. The above photo is of his ride in New Orleans, LA. –> via ipenemic.com, Nomad’s Land, Day 10

Scooter Crates

I can’t remember seeing a crate this bright and blue. –>via dykhouse.com, Milk Crate GET

And yet another scooter crate combo –>via flickr.com, Old Milk Crate