Tag Archives: milkcrate

The Milkcrate Kid


This kid is gonna be awesome. He has his Dad to thank. Matt Burga spotted and shot this in Australia (i think) and sent it in. Thanks Matt. via–> Matt Burga’s Flickr

Milkcrate Fireworks Apparatus

milkcrate rack

Patriot Pyrotechnics is offering this milkcrate mortar rack for $64.95. It’s a standard 4 gallon black crate, and I’m not sure why a free milk crate and 25 pieces of PCV cost $65 bucks, but hey people gotta make a living, right?

Firewood Storage Crate


The real world provides a never-ending supply of material for the blog. I’m not sure where this house is, but they have found a beautiful old wooden & metal Carnation brand milkcrate that is now in use as their firewood box. via–> A Great Leap in the Dark, 11 Weeks Later…

Crateoons via Canada


This little toon by Mr. Eric Dyck is a nice glimpse of life in Canada. Milkcrates are everywhere, but we know this. via Eric’s –> Mon Qui Towne comics

Jake & Amir love milkcrates

Jake and Amir are pretty tweaked, in a good way though. In this video some milkcrates make a background cameo appearance – so I can post it here on the milkcrate digest blog.

Secretary from Amir on Vimeo

Kayak-ers Love Milkcrates


There is a link between the kayak people and the great milkcrate. I don’t yet have a in depth understanding of this relationship and I will someday soon. In the meantime, I’ll keep posting these pics that I find. Pics via Big Water’s Edge, Ocean Prowler 15





The Daily Bumble reports that milkcrate thefts are on the rise. They don’t say where this news comes from, but who cares. They did a nice little cartoon, which you see above. –>Milk Crate Theft Rates on the Rise

Dirt Bike+Propane+Milkcrate=Perfection


Beautiful Crate Photo


Kamran Channa, from Australia (I think), shot this great shot of a man and his milk crate seat. See more of Kamran’s work here –>Kamran Channa @ TrekEarth.com

Clumsy Aussie soccer fan hurts head via milkcrate and sues the team

A fan of the Canberra Raiders, an Australian soccer team, fell during an on-field half-time competition. The game consisted of catching soccer balls in a milkcrate. The sponsor of the event was a local dairy, Canberra Milk. The participant fell and lost consciousness. He may have hit his dome on the milkcrate in the spill. He is now suing the team for his injury and for the sad state of his life. I one main question: why was a dairy promoting a game where milk crates are in use illegally? –>via LiveNews, Raiders fan sues over half-time catching contest injury and –>via The Canberra Times, Fan sues Raiders for injuries