Kid Crates Party

Design Sponge did a little piece about throwing a party for kids on a budget. The party is quite elaborate and includes a photo booth, with a vintage milk crate stool for the kiddies. I think I could put my dogs Punkass & Snoop Dogg up there. They’d mug for the camera. –> A Creative but Budget-Friendly Kid’s Party via Design Sponge

“The Milkcrate Situation”

I think this guy says it all. –> The Milk Crate Chronicles via Cutslist

ESPO Crate Studio

If you don’t know ESPO then you need to educate yourself and learn the ways of the modern mastermind. If you would have asked me, sight-unseen, “how many milkcrates ESPO does have in his studio?” My answer would have been, “about 20.” I think I would have been pretty spot on. –> Steve Powers ESPO at his studio in New York City, via The Selby

Popular Milkcrates: Inner Tube Boat

Jason sent in this amazing milkcrate find from the archives of Popular Mechanics. The February issue from 1984 featured this great DIY milkcrate project–a personalized inner tube boat. All you need is a six gallon milkcrate, an inner tube, standard lumber and a motor. If you haven’t heard, the entire history of Popular Mechanics is available online now, check it out. –> Popular Mechanics, February 1984 with milkcrates

Milkcrate Matrimony Ride

Garrett Grove has a ton of great wedding photography on his site, but these are of particular interest on our fine site here.

Crateified Mud Room

Another awesome user submitted project: the milk crate mud room. Rick, from Portland, sent this in and explains that he uses a simple french cleat to attach the crates to the wall in a clean way. He even bought new crates at the container store. That’s not exactly how I would have done it, but different strokes for different folks. Thanks Rick.

Rooftop Crate at Bouley

Milkcrate Digest’s version of a Where’s Waldo – find that sneaky little crate above Bouley in NYC. –> Weekend Guide :: 1.29.10 via Sunday Suppers

Andy Breaks His Wrist, With Milkcrates

This video came by way of Tosh.O on comedy central. I went and found the original on YouTube and I must tell you: this video is rough. It’s not for the feint of heart. Young Andy attempts this milkcrate stair stunt and needless to say, he does not make it. Milkcrates in the wrong hands are dangerous. –> Andy Breaks Wrist via YouTube

‘Helpful’ Man Steals ‘Stolen’ Milk Crate

I love this craig’s list post. A man was carrying home vintage milk crates (no mention of where he obtained them) two helpful men offered to assist him and one walked off with the best one of the bunch. He posts this to recover his stolen property.

from the post:

I was carrying home some vintage milk crates this morning and struggling to juggle them all. Two amazing trash collectors offered to help me carry them to my apt down the street, and an older gentleman expressed interest in my crates and then proceeded to walk off with one of them! If you know anyone who “found” a vintage Hood milk crate on Cooper St. this morning – He actually took the nicest of the bunch and should really give it back.

Milk Crate Stool

MSutters sent in this awesome little milkcrate stool that he made, and documented on flickr. –> Milk Crate Stool