Archive for 'USA'

The Poem Shop


In NYC a group of writers has taken the writing to the streets and is offering a poem writing service. The poems are very reasonably priced (in the $5 to $20 range) and it’s better than writing advertising copy, right? The Poem Shop service was started by William Chrome and I love that the girl in the photo above is using a milkcrate as her typewriter stand. –> The Poem Shop via Adrian Shirk

Crates on the Wall Bench


Charlie Vinz in Chicago built this cool cantilevered milk-crate bench with a hinged wooden top for storage on his bedroom wall. It’s pretty raw and to the point – which is why I love it. via–>South 12th, Oct 21st


Tech Kids Gay for Milk Crates


The students of Illonois Institute of Technology created this great lawn installation using milkcrates and some wedge shaped elements. It’s very well done and I’m surprised it didn’t come up on my crate-dar sooner. via–> Thank You For Your Submission, Lawn installations at Illinois Institute of Technology

The Milkcrate Armatron, monitor rig

My buddy Nicolas has done it again. A little while back I posted about Nick’s question (How Many Crates Can You Carry?) and now he’s posted this amazing contraption that he calls the armatron –>Read the full post

Instant Grants, pull up a milkcrate

Steve Lambert and The Federation of Students and Nominally or Unemployed Artists went to Union Square in NYC and gave away instant grants for al kinds of projects in the $10 to $60 range. Pull up a milkcrate and make your pitch. –>via Urban, Instant Grant Program

Sad Milkcrate News

Not all milkcrate news is positive. The top photo is the aftermath of a crash where the two victims were sitting and talking in Florida. The one man was sitting on a milkcrate talking with a friend who was sitting in the chair. –> via, Week in Photos Gallery

The second photo is of an unknown woman who was killed crossing the street with her walker. She is described as 5’3″ tall, weighing around 110 pounds with gray hair and brown eyes. She was walking with a metallic red walker, and had a gray milk crate attached to the walker. –> via, Who was this accident victim?

Mies Van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House saved by milkcrates

Greg at sent this amazing story over. The world-famous Farnsworth House has been saved by milkcrates. Mies Van der Rohe’s iconic structure in Plano, Illonoise has been hit hard by the recent hurricane season. The worst part for me about this is that the staff at the house used fake milkcrates instead of authentic milkcrates. –> via National, Flood Waters Have Receded at World-Famous Farnsworth House

RISD Ceramics Hearts Milkcrates

Esquire Magazine did a nice little photo shoot with a group of graduating RISD students. In the back of one of these photos, in the ceramics studio shows the love of milkcrates from the school. RISD is where Milkcrate Digest got it’s start by the way. –> Intelligent Design

Milkcrates and Pigs

A farm in Vermont has a strange and interesting website filled with animal facts. I spotted this crate tidbit, they say here that pigs won’t go through a fence as long as it’s solid at the pig’s eye level. So, a double stack of good ole’ milkcrates does the trick. –> Pigs.html (scroll down to May 28th)

Milkcrates at 30th St.