Archive for 'design'


These amazing milk crate briefcases will be the envy of the suits if you can figure out where to buy them. via –> BriefCrate

Koi pond filter crate sacrifice

Koi pond filter crate sacrifice

Koi pond filter crate sacrifice

Koi pond filter

This very detailed how-to shows you how to build a home made koi pond filter. The milkcrate is sacrificed in the process, but it’s for the good of the fishes, so I guess it’s ok. Via –> My first filter build

My new crate bike rig

A while back, I bungeed this 6 gallon crate onto my bike. Problems came on a heavy load trip because my tie down wasn’t so tight. This new edition fixes a piece of plywood, which is then screwed to the milk crate. It’s super solid now.

Sweet crate reinventions

Milkcrate Soundbooth

Milkcrates abound throughout the web. I’ve pulled some recent milk crate inventions. The above image is from, a great how to site. This images comes from a great post on how to build a portable milkcrate sound booth. –> DIY portable sound booth

Worm Crates

These aren’t milkcrates, BUT they are soda crates and Mr. Kyle Lawson has crafted them into a home vermicomposting setup. I don’t even know what that is, but I like it. –> Worms!

Wooden Crate magazine rack

This last one is great. It brings the old into the new. An old school wooden milk crate transformed simply into a rolling magazine rack. –> summer projects and finds…

Crate construction in the woods

Crate construction in the woods

Crate construction in the woods

This couple has decided to move to the woods, build their own house and get back to nature. Two interesting tidbits – they have a blog (pretty comprehensive too) and they used some milkcrates to aid in the construction of some of their home. If people who have left society as we know it still see the value of the milkcrate, well – that has to say something, right? –> Holy Cow – big big day

Wall-E & milkcrates

Wall-E still

Wall-E milkcrate still

Wall-E milkcrate detail

I was really late to see Wall-E. Not for any particular reason…I guess it was just a busy time. Last weekend I finally went and saw it, and I was honestly blown away. Pixar is just so damn good at what they do. The trailers do not do the movie justice at all. The story is cute, but the visuals (especially early on) are seriously intense. Once again, the good people at Pixar have embraced the milkcrate. They did it in Toy Story (watch trailer), and here again they have represented the milk crate in film.

Milk crates are everywhere online…

Crateman on the Water Tower

Milkcrates are all over the internet these days, and I’ve been seeing hits on my crate radar from every corner of the web. The above picture is from Australia, we’ve seen some of these before, but‘s forums have a nice little gallery of the lot.

Something called has a great post with all kinds of crate creations. –> How creative can you get with crates

One of my favorite sites, makezine has recently posted a milkcrate post as well. –> Milkcrate chandelier and roundup

Milkcrate furniture

Milkcrate furniture

Apartment wrote a great little piece about the transformative milkcrate and it’s many uses by designers and artists. Some of these works have already been seen here on Milkcrate (we are on the crate edge of the milkcrate lifestyle…but you know this) –> Reusing Milk Crates

Walmart is trying to kill my friends

Walmart's sqaure milk

NY Times, square milk

The New York Times reports that Walmart is taking aim at the milkcrate lifestyle. They have quietly introduced the square milk jug which doesn’t need a milkcrate to transport it. These stackable milk jugs can be shrink wrapped and shipped like other forms of product. The major downside is that consumers don’t like the new design. Many people report that the new jug is hard to pour, is difficult for children and these same people worry about where they will put their garage tools if milkcrates go away. I’m taking personal offense to this. But, I’m not really that worried. People are very resistant to change, and if the milk doesn’t sell then the milkcrates will return. I see some other issues as well. They claim that they will only need to stock once a week with the new design. Doesn’t this mean that we will be seeing more spoiled milk? I’m sure the Walmart penny pinchers have calculated all the angles, but if we don’t buy these stupid sqaure milk jugs then everything will be just fine. Don’t panic. –> Read the fill NY Times article here –> article

Factory Fresh milkcrate print

Factory Fresh

A good buddy sent this my way. I love this print above, and these guys seem to have the milk crate spirt within them. –> Factory Fresh