Archive for July, 2011

Found Crate

I stumbled, I mean found, this image on If anyone knows more about it I’d love to give proper credit.

Le Tour de Milk Crate, 2011

Eugene bicyclist is kicking ass and shooting photos of the amazing Le Tour de Milk Crate, 2011. He’s taken to the streets and is shooting everything milkcrate related. I won’t steal all his thunder, but I have to post a few gems from his blog here. Check out the full tour here–>Le Tour de Milk Crate, 2011 via Eugene Bicyclist

Comedy Central Presents Milkcrates

I was checking out some old stand-up on Netflix. I found my way to Comedy Central Presents: Adam Ferrara. You can probably tell by his outfit, but it was 1998. The background features a slew of milk crates. I’m not sure, but I think they were trying to recreate some New York rooftop scene.

Crate Horror Game

Phantasmat is a Mac/PC horror type game that uses elaborate illustrated scenes to take you through a creepy hotel mystery. The crummy bedroom scene (above) contains a milkcrate. –>Learn more about Phantasmat

Awesome Waste of Time

BPay in Australia hosted a video contest titled “Awesome Time Wasting”. One of the four winning entries features some amazing (or awesome) stop-motion animation with Australian milkcrates. Watch the video after the jump. This was sent in by one of our readers – Nick Drewe, big thanks Nick! For more on the contest, check out –>AwesomeTimeWasting

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